Jaxon had his 2-week check up today. He weighs a whopping 10 lbs. 2 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long!! Dr. S had a good chuckle when he saw 10 pounds already -- that's 2 pounds in 2 weeks!!! Jaxon started crying at one point and Dr. S said, 'Oh, are you hungry? I bet you are all the time!" I told him that yes, he does eat all the time. Dr. S said, "Are you nursing?" I said yes and he said, "I'm sorry."
Everyone wants to know how he's sleeping. . . well, we did good for 2 nights in a row!! Then last night he was up every 2 hours again. I guess that's part of it.
I keep trying to remember to make a slide show to post on here of all the pictures we've taken over the last two weeks (ok, maybe not all of them), but I keep forgetting. . . guess that's what happens when you're brain is low on sleep!! ;)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Jaxon Carter has arrived!!
I cannot tell you how good it feels to be in my own house with my own stuff and my own bed and our new son!!
I am convinced that Jaxon loves his mom and wanted things to go the way I wanted them to!! I cannot tell you how perfect my labor was with him.
I dropped Payton off at a friend's house and headed home. I wanted to get my kitchen swept and mopped and I wanted to finish getting my Christmas tree put together before going in to be induced. I got home and started sweeping. My contractions started and were 5 minutes apart!!
Aaron was planning on going over to Bryan's to play Halo, but I asked him to stay home or let them come over here to play because I wasn't going to make it to the morning. About 9 pm, I felt this pop in my stomach. I wasn't sure what that was, but thought it could have been my water. I called Brandi at some point in there to give her the good news.
I got everything done that I needed to do and went and laid down on my bed. I decided to go on in because at least they could give me some sleeping pills or something to take the edge off of the contractions. Right as we walked out the door of our house, I had a really bad contraction and started feeling pressure. It was a little scary.
We made it to the hospital in 13 minutes -- walked in about 11:45 or so! We walked in the ER and I had another contraction. This lady brought a wheelchair behind me and told me to sit down when I thought I could. Then, this guy nurse came out and bumped my legs with the wheelchair and told me to sit down now because we had to go. I thought he was awfully rude!!
This guy takes me FLYING down the hallways!! I had my eyes closed, but I could hear Aaron running -- not kidding, RUNNING -- behind us. He gets me up to L&D and they open the door and he pushes me through the doors and just lets me go. The nurses kind of had to run after me. That was quite funny at the time!! I got the last room available. They said they were going to have to call me and cancel my induction for the next morning anyway, so I was glad it happened on my own.
There were about 6 nurses in the room and one tries to check me and she can't feel Jaxon's head. She asked me if he has been head down. When I would have a contraction, you could see him laying sideways in my stomach. The weird thing is that a few months ago, I had this weird thought that I would have to have a c-section. I thought it was weird and it came from nowhere. I decided to believe against that, but also thought it could have been a "warning". Anyway, several of them checked me and they were whispering. I'm not sure at what point they finally felt his head, but I was relieved!
There was a lady who came in after me, but she was already pushing and they were convinced that she would deliver before me, so all the nurses ran over to her and we were both having to wait on Dr. Sinclair. The really neat thing was that I would have a really bad contraction and then have a period of rest for what seemed like a long time. Aaron said the rest wasn't all that long if any.
Speaking of Aaron, he was amazing!! He knew when to encourage me and when to stay quiet. He was so supportive in everything -- from the birth to family things. He kept telling me how proud he was of me. At one point, I was really embarrassed at how loud I was being during contractions. During my "rest" I actually said, "I think it's time I get myself together." The nurses thought that was funny. I don't know how many times he offered me his hand, but I grabbed the bed rail instead afraid that I might break his hand if I did hold it. I was just so thankful for him!!
Dr. S arrived and delivered the other lady. Then, he came in the room and told me to start pushing when I was ready. I don't think he was quite ready for how fast it all happened!! One push and Jaxon came flying out. Dr. S almost dropped him and things got a little chaotic at that point. He cut the cord and the clamp on my side of the cord came off, which wasn't good. The nurses weren't quite ready or they were shocked or something because everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion. I got the shakes really bad afterwards, which wasn't fun, but, in the end, all is well and Jaxon made his entrance on his own terms!! ;)
Here are his stats:

The nurses were all laughing about how big his head is and how long his toes are. Another great thing about his birth is that we were able to just be the 3 of us for a while before we called anyone or sent out text messages. Aaron's family was in town and I didn't want anyone at the hospital waiting on Jaxon or calling to get the updates while I'm being induced. I cannot even tell you how perfect everything was for what I wanted. I just felt like I was Jaxon's favorite and God's favorite for the way He set everything up.

Last night was a little rough. We were up all night. For some reason, he doesn't seem to enjoy his 100% Egyptian Cotton 800 TC sheets in his bed!! So, we slept in the recliner together for 20 minute intervals last night.
After he was born, he slept for a long time, then they circumcised him that morning, which made him even more sleepy, so he didn't eat much at all for the first day. They told me before I left the hospital that he would probably make up for it and boy, did he!! All he wanted to do last night was eat!! In the hospital, his blood sugar level dropped, so they had to give him formula and they sent some of it home with us, so luckily I had a bottle I was able to give him on occasion to give me a break. Today is much better. I took a nap this morning while Aaron watched him.
Here's another weird detail about his birth. Most of you know I have this weird thing with numbers. I don't like odd numbers, however all of our birthdays are on odd months, odd days, and odd years. Jaxon made it on an odd month, odd day, odd year by 41 minutes!! See, I'm convinced he loves his mom!! ;)
I am convinced that Jaxon loves his mom and wanted things to go the way I wanted them to!! I cannot tell you how perfect my labor was with him.
I dropped Payton off at a friend's house and headed home. I wanted to get my kitchen swept and mopped and I wanted to finish getting my Christmas tree put together before going in to be induced. I got home and started sweeping. My contractions started and were 5 minutes apart!!
Aaron was planning on going over to Bryan's to play Halo, but I asked him to stay home or let them come over here to play because I wasn't going to make it to the morning. About 9 pm, I felt this pop in my stomach. I wasn't sure what that was, but thought it could have been my water. I called Brandi at some point in there to give her the good news.
I got everything done that I needed to do and went and laid down on my bed. I decided to go on in because at least they could give me some sleeping pills or something to take the edge off of the contractions. Right as we walked out the door of our house, I had a really bad contraction and started feeling pressure. It was a little scary.
We made it to the hospital in 13 minutes -- walked in about 11:45 or so! We walked in the ER and I had another contraction. This lady brought a wheelchair behind me and told me to sit down when I thought I could. Then, this guy nurse came out and bumped my legs with the wheelchair and told me to sit down now because we had to go. I thought he was awfully rude!!
This guy takes me FLYING down the hallways!! I had my eyes closed, but I could hear Aaron running -- not kidding, RUNNING -- behind us. He gets me up to L&D and they open the door and he pushes me through the doors and just lets me go. The nurses kind of had to run after me. That was quite funny at the time!! I got the last room available. They said they were going to have to call me and cancel my induction for the next morning anyway, so I was glad it happened on my own.
There were about 6 nurses in the room and one tries to check me and she can't feel Jaxon's head. She asked me if he has been head down. When I would have a contraction, you could see him laying sideways in my stomach. The weird thing is that a few months ago, I had this weird thought that I would have to have a c-section. I thought it was weird and it came from nowhere. I decided to believe against that, but also thought it could have been a "warning". Anyway, several of them checked me and they were whispering. I'm not sure at what point they finally felt his head, but I was relieved!
There was a lady who came in after me, but she was already pushing and they were convinced that she would deliver before me, so all the nurses ran over to her and we were both having to wait on Dr. Sinclair. The really neat thing was that I would have a really bad contraction and then have a period of rest for what seemed like a long time. Aaron said the rest wasn't all that long if any.
Speaking of Aaron, he was amazing!! He knew when to encourage me and when to stay quiet. He was so supportive in everything -- from the birth to family things. He kept telling me how proud he was of me. At one point, I was really embarrassed at how loud I was being during contractions. During my "rest" I actually said, "I think it's time I get myself together." The nurses thought that was funny. I don't know how many times he offered me his hand, but I grabbed the bed rail instead afraid that I might break his hand if I did hold it. I was just so thankful for him!!
Dr. S arrived and delivered the other lady. Then, he came in the room and told me to start pushing when I was ready. I don't think he was quite ready for how fast it all happened!! One push and Jaxon came flying out. Dr. S almost dropped him and things got a little chaotic at that point. He cut the cord and the clamp on my side of the cord came off, which wasn't good. The nurses weren't quite ready or they were shocked or something because everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion. I got the shakes really bad afterwards, which wasn't fun, but, in the end, all is well and Jaxon made his entrance on his own terms!! ;)
Here are his stats:

Jaxon Carter
born at 12:41 am
8 lbs. 5.5 oz
20 1/4" long
14 3/4" head
14 1/2" chest
8 lbs. 5.5 oz
20 1/4" long
14 3/4" head
14 1/2" chest
The nurses were all laughing about how big his head is and how long his toes are. Another great thing about his birth is that we were able to just be the 3 of us for a while before we called anyone or sent out text messages. Aaron's family was in town and I didn't want anyone at the hospital waiting on Jaxon or calling to get the updates while I'm being induced. I cannot even tell you how perfect everything was for what I wanted. I just felt like I was Jaxon's favorite and God's favorite for the way He set everything up.

Last night was a little rough. We were up all night. For some reason, he doesn't seem to enjoy his 100% Egyptian Cotton 800 TC sheets in his bed!! So, we slept in the recliner together for 20 minute intervals last night.
After he was born, he slept for a long time, then they circumcised him that morning, which made him even more sleepy, so he didn't eat much at all for the first day. They told me before I left the hospital that he would probably make up for it and boy, did he!! All he wanted to do last night was eat!! In the hospital, his blood sugar level dropped, so they had to give him formula and they sent some of it home with us, so luckily I had a bottle I was able to give him on occasion to give me a break. Today is much better. I took a nap this morning while Aaron watched him.
Here's another weird detail about his birth. Most of you know I have this weird thing with numbers. I don't like odd numbers, however all of our birthdays are on odd months, odd days, and odd years. Jaxon made it on an odd month, odd day, odd year by 41 minutes!! See, I'm convinced he loves his mom!! ;)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Surprise Blessing
Yesterday morning, I went to church prepared to stay in children's church, but preferring to be in the service. I have been a little "on edge" lately and children's church is the last place for me to be when I'm like that! ;)
But, when I got to church, Krissy (my other teacher) kept trying to kick me out of children's church. It didn't hurt my feelings, but she was being a little pushy about how I needed to get out of there and go sit down and do nothing for a change. But, I had my yellow team to talk to and Krissy was quick to say that she would handle it for the day. At our team pre-service meeting, Krissy told Eric & Nicole to just flow with it. . . she didn't say what "it" was. . . just flow. OK . . . not exactly how I do things, but I trust her.
So, I go to service, they dismiss the kids, I ask one last time to make sure Krissy is going to be ok and she assures me that if they need me, they will come and get me.
I'm sitting in the service when an usher comes up and tells me that I am needed in children's church. I knew whatever it was, it had to be bad. I'm walking up the aisle wondering what in the world could be going on. I get to the door of the gym and it's dead silent on the other side of it! I was a little scared and then I thought "What if the Holy Spirit came and knocked them all out and Krissy just wanted me to see it?" I just prayed real quick and asked God to get me through whatever was on the other side of that door!
I opened the door and all the kids yell SURPRISE!!! They all came running at me with cards in their hands that they had made for me. They threw me a surprise baby shower!! I was overwhelmed and shocked and truly blessed!! They had the presents all lined up and ready to go and they had a special seat for me to sit in. The kids had cookies and couldn't wait for me to open their gifts!! I had fun listening to them say "Diapers & wipes! Again?" So, here's Jaxon's loot from the day:

It totals:
398 diapers
1,071 wipes
1 bottle of lotion
6 washcloths (that have crowns and castles on them)
4 bibs
4 outfits
22 socks (11 pairs)
1 diaper rash cream
After I opened my gifts, the kids spoke blessings over me and Jaxon. It was the sweetest time. They told me how much they loved me and how much fun Jaxon was going to be. I think there are two that stand out the most -- one of the boys said, "All I have to say is Jaxon, rock on!" and then one of the girls told me that Jaxon was going to follow in my footsteps and the blessing that I've been to them (my current kids), that Jaxon would be that same blessing to their kids. WOW! That one caught me off guard, but it was so powerful!!
That's not to mention all of the cards they gave me!! I am truly blessed!! Our kids are such givers and they just love to give -- even if it's a piece of paper with their drawing on it.
So, it's 1 am and I'm heading to bed a blessed children's pastor and a blessed woman -- blessed above and beyond all I could ever hope, ask, or think!!
But, when I got to church, Krissy (my other teacher) kept trying to kick me out of children's church. It didn't hurt my feelings, but she was being a little pushy about how I needed to get out of there and go sit down and do nothing for a change. But, I had my yellow team to talk to and Krissy was quick to say that she would handle it for the day. At our team pre-service meeting, Krissy told Eric & Nicole to just flow with it. . . she didn't say what "it" was. . . just flow. OK . . . not exactly how I do things, but I trust her.
So, I go to service, they dismiss the kids, I ask one last time to make sure Krissy is going to be ok and she assures me that if they need me, they will come and get me.
I'm sitting in the service when an usher comes up and tells me that I am needed in children's church. I knew whatever it was, it had to be bad. I'm walking up the aisle wondering what in the world could be going on. I get to the door of the gym and it's dead silent on the other side of it! I was a little scared and then I thought "What if the Holy Spirit came and knocked them all out and Krissy just wanted me to see it?" I just prayed real quick and asked God to get me through whatever was on the other side of that door!
I opened the door and all the kids yell SURPRISE!!! They all came running at me with cards in their hands that they had made for me. They threw me a surprise baby shower!! I was overwhelmed and shocked and truly blessed!! They had the presents all lined up and ready to go and they had a special seat for me to sit in. The kids had cookies and couldn't wait for me to open their gifts!! I had fun listening to them say "Diapers & wipes! Again?" So, here's Jaxon's loot from the day:

It totals:
398 diapers
1,071 wipes
1 bottle of lotion
6 washcloths (that have crowns and castles on them)
4 bibs
4 outfits
22 socks (11 pairs)
1 diaper rash cream
After I opened my gifts, the kids spoke blessings over me and Jaxon. It was the sweetest time. They told me how much they loved me and how much fun Jaxon was going to be. I think there are two that stand out the most -- one of the boys said, "All I have to say is Jaxon, rock on!" and then one of the girls told me that Jaxon was going to follow in my footsteps and the blessing that I've been to them (my current kids), that Jaxon would be that same blessing to their kids. WOW! That one caught me off guard, but it was so powerful!!
That's not to mention all of the cards they gave me!! I am truly blessed!! Our kids are such givers and they just love to give -- even if it's a piece of paper with their drawing on it.
So, it's 1 am and I'm heading to bed a blessed children's pastor and a blessed woman -- blessed above and beyond all I could ever hope, ask, or think!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
That's my boy!!
Payton brought home one of his papers from school where he had to list 7 things he is thankful for. Here are his 7 things:
1. Xbox
2. NFL
3. NBA
4. Brothers
5. Dad
6. Mom
7. Romo (Tony Romo from the Dallas Cowboys)
Now is that a boy's list or what? And, what is up with me being number 6?!?!?!
1. Xbox
2. NFL
3. NBA
4. Brothers
5. Dad
6. Mom
7. Romo (Tony Romo from the Dallas Cowboys)
Now is that a boy's list or what? And, what is up with me being number 6?!?!?!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Room Is FINISHED!!!
Jaxon's room is completely finished!! Here's the link to the final product:
11/7 -- My Favorite 4 Year Old

So, today as I celebrate my baby turning 4 years old, I am so thankful that he's my kid! I'm so thankful that I get to watch him grow up. I'm so thankful that he is my favorite 4 year old!!

Friday, October 19, 2007
The Nursery Pictures
I just can't wait to show you guys the pictures!!! I'm so excited about this room and even though it's not quite finished, I just have to share!!
So, instead of trying to upload all of them to here, click on this link and you can see the slideshow from start to almost finished!
I am so pleased with this room!! Just a few more things to get done. Then it's time to move the furniture in and just the littlest details!!
WOW! I can't believe how close it's getting!!
So, instead of trying to upload all of them to here, click on this link and you can see the slideshow from start to almost finished!
I am so pleased with this room!! Just a few more things to get done. Then it's time to move the furniture in and just the littlest details!!
WOW! I can't believe how close it's getting!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
10/5 -- I am DETERMINED!!
I wanted to title this blog "I am OBSESSED", but I think a better word is DETERMINED. I'm DETERMINED to get this nursery finished!!! I feel like I've been working on it forever. Although, it's only been a few weeks off and on, I guess just because I've had the whole thing in my head since July and how many times I've drawn it all out on my graph paper, it feels like it's been forever.
I can say that I think I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than I ever thought I would. I know their colors, what the field looks like, I even know a few players and their numbers. I only have one wall left in the nursery to finish and it's the football field. So, I've been checking out the Dallas Cowboys website and looking at the new stadium through the hole in the roof down onto the field. All the while, learning about the tradition of the open roof and the Dallas Cowboys. I've been trying to match the font of the field. I can't find the right stencils, but last night I realized that I have my scrapbooking die-cut machine (my Cricut (pronounced Cricket)) that can cut letters out and I can make the stencils. . . I just don't have the right cartridge.
Right at this point, Aaron would think that I'm nuts. He thinks I'm getting too detailed on this room. I just keep telling him that it will be AWESOME when it's finished. I already have a few kindergarten boys that are wanting to move in there!!
I did find a lady online who has done the whole football field thing on the wall. She did her son's room in the University of Alabama. Her wall looks AMAZING!! I just hope this wall looks half as good as hers when I'm finished!!
BUT, the reason that I'm able to focus so much on this room is because I'm learning to delegate. I am so thankful for that!! By delegating things out, I'm able to focus on the nursery. I'm able to focus on my house. I'm able to not be all stressed out about how many things I have to get done in a day or this week. And, in learning how to delegate, I am so thankful that I get to go to children's church on Sunday morning and I don't have to do a single thing -- just be there.
My goal for today is to:
* Finish taping off the yard lines in Jaxon's room and get them painted
* Get Payton & Evan's room picked up and organized again (aka throw a bunch of stuff away)
* Get my laundry all done
Then, maybe tonight I'll head to the scrapbook store for a little R & R and use her Cricut and the cartridge there.
Gosh! Maybe I should have delegated someone to finish Jaxon's room!! No, I'm too much of a control freak for that! ;)
P.S. Here's something neat that happened to Aaron last night. Ever since we got married, Aaron has wanted to go to the OU vs UT football game (aka The Red River Shootout). But, tickets have been expensive and hard to get. About a week ago, Aaron's cousin called and said he MIGHT have Aaron a ticket, but he had to make sure it wasn't taken already. Aaron got excited, but that started to fade after days of not hearing from Ryan. But, last night at 10:30 pm, Aaron's phone rang. His cousin has him a ticket on the 50 yard line on the first row on OU's side!! Aaron is so pumped!! He kept telling me it was an answer to prayer. I just laughed. He thinks I'm not excited about him going, but I really am. Yes, I have to take my kids to 3 birthday parties on Saturday -- two of which are at the same time, different places -- but I'm really excited for him. And, I'm excited that at least the boys and I have something to do on Saturday!! So, if you watch the game, rejoice with Aaron that he's there!!!
EDITED TO ADD: Aaron had a blast at the OU game!! His ears were still ringing on Sunday, but he loved it!!!
I can say that I think I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than I ever thought I would. I know their colors, what the field looks like, I even know a few players and their numbers. I only have one wall left in the nursery to finish and it's the football field. So, I've been checking out the Dallas Cowboys website and looking at the new stadium through the hole in the roof down onto the field. All the while, learning about the tradition of the open roof and the Dallas Cowboys. I've been trying to match the font of the field. I can't find the right stencils, but last night I realized that I have my scrapbooking die-cut machine (my Cricut (pronounced Cricket)) that can cut letters out and I can make the stencils. . . I just don't have the right cartridge.
Right at this point, Aaron would think that I'm nuts. He thinks I'm getting too detailed on this room. I just keep telling him that it will be AWESOME when it's finished. I already have a few kindergarten boys that are wanting to move in there!!
I did find a lady online who has done the whole football field thing on the wall. She did her son's room in the University of Alabama. Her wall looks AMAZING!! I just hope this wall looks half as good as hers when I'm finished!!
BUT, the reason that I'm able to focus so much on this room is because I'm learning to delegate. I am so thankful for that!! By delegating things out, I'm able to focus on the nursery. I'm able to focus on my house. I'm able to not be all stressed out about how many things I have to get done in a day or this week. And, in learning how to delegate, I am so thankful that I get to go to children's church on Sunday morning and I don't have to do a single thing -- just be there.
My goal for today is to:
* Finish taping off the yard lines in Jaxon's room and get them painted
* Get Payton & Evan's room picked up and organized again (aka throw a bunch of stuff away)
* Get my laundry all done
Then, maybe tonight I'll head to the scrapbook store for a little R & R and use her Cricut and the cartridge there.
Gosh! Maybe I should have delegated someone to finish Jaxon's room!! No, I'm too much of a control freak for that! ;)
P.S. Here's something neat that happened to Aaron last night. Ever since we got married, Aaron has wanted to go to the OU vs UT football game (aka The Red River Shootout). But, tickets have been expensive and hard to get. About a week ago, Aaron's cousin called and said he MIGHT have Aaron a ticket, but he had to make sure it wasn't taken already. Aaron got excited, but that started to fade after days of not hearing from Ryan. But, last night at 10:30 pm, Aaron's phone rang. His cousin has him a ticket on the 50 yard line on the first row on OU's side!! Aaron is so pumped!! He kept telling me it was an answer to prayer. I just laughed. He thinks I'm not excited about him going, but I really am. Yes, I have to take my kids to 3 birthday parties on Saturday -- two of which are at the same time, different places -- but I'm really excited for him. And, I'm excited that at least the boys and I have something to do on Saturday!! So, if you watch the game, rejoice with Aaron that he's there!!!
EDITED TO ADD: Aaron had a blast at the OU game!! His ears were still ringing on Sunday, but he loved it!!!
My 30th Birthday Party
I just realized that I never blogged about my birthday party!! So, here it goes!
I get a phone call on Thursday that says to be at Brandi's house at 7 pm on Friday night. That's all the information I got. Now, I don't like surprises, but I was trusting Brandi on this one!! By the way, Brandi is my best friend.
We got to Brandi's house at straight up 7 pm and when the door opened, I hear "New York, New York" playing on the CD player. I was so excited!! But, not near as excited or amazed as when I came into the living room and saw this:

And, I can say that I don't think the pictures even do it justice!! It's a HUGE mural of NYC and we all have our own stores!! It is complete with a Business Records Management building, Jaxon's Baby World, Evan's Pet Store, Rachel's Scrapbook Heaven, and Payton's Sporting Goods!! I'm trying to find a place in my house to really hang this thing! It was so awesome!!

I head to the kitchen and see this spread of food!! New York hot dogs!!

I love New York t-shirt cookies that Brandi made herself!!

An Empire State Building cake made by Donna herself!!

Songs about NYC playing in the background!! I was in heaven!! I was so surprised!! I loved EVERYTHING!!!
We ate dinner and then opened presents -- oh how I love presents!!
I got an Andy Warhol bag that is black and white with purple flowers on it. On the handle, it says "My favorite smell is the first smell of spring in New York. . . " I love it!! It has a banana shaped coin purse inside of it! It is so cute!!! Thank you, Joel & Trish!!
I got a really cute card from Brandi. It was so cute!! On the envelope, it had Brandi's name with a big X over it and then it had my name. On the inside, was written a really cute note by Christy (Miles' nurse) and it was marked out with a note from Brandi on the other side. The P.S. said, "Look, it was either a handmade card OR a party! I went with the party!" I'm so glad she did!! It was awesome!!
I got a zebra wallet from Dustin & Krissy that I love!! On the inside of it was a gift card to Sharky's and a gift card to Lowes and some cash!!!! I love it! It has so many pockets and places for stuff!! And, it matches my purse that I have now and when I do "upgrade" to a zebra purse, it will match it, too!!
Then, Brandi tells Randy to go get the present. Randy comes around the corner with this zebra suitcase!! I said, "Oh my gosh!" outloud! I was so excited!! I had been in the store a few weeks ago with Marki and I saw it there. I stood there trying to justify the purchase, but I couldn't. And, there it was -- all mine from my amazing friend!!! Now it's even more special!! Brandi told me I could use it when I really do get to go to NYC!! I love it!!
Then, we all played a game of "Apples to Apples" (get it? NYC -- the big apple?) when in the middle, the doorbell rings. In walks these 3 high school girls dressed as "show girls". I don't even remember the song they danced to because we were all laughing so hard!! Oh, I think it was "All That Jazz". That was definitely one of those things you just had to be there to see. Describing it wouldn't do it justice -- at all!!
Randy ended up winning Apples to Apples, but we kept playing. I think Cody won "second" -- or first loser as he put it.
I had Aaron take a few pictures of me with Brandi and Randy. I cannot believe how much work they put into that mural and the party itself!!
I'm telling you, I am so blessed to call Brandi my friend. Someone asked me yesterday how we ended up at our church and when I was thinking back on it, I remember the first thing we ever went to was Brandi & Randy's life group at David & Candy's house. Jocie was a little baby. We just felt comfortable there. Then, at the end of the night, Brandi said, "Do you scrapbook?" Right then and there, she had my heart!! ;) Who knew at that moment, I had made a friend for life. For that, I am very thankful!!
So, here's to the bestest best friend in the whole wide world!!!
(Yes, I had to crop Randy out of this photo. In the picture of just me and Brandi, I blinked. And, don't pay attention to the rabbit ears!!)
I get a phone call on Thursday that says to be at Brandi's house at 7 pm on Friday night. That's all the information I got. Now, I don't like surprises, but I was trusting Brandi on this one!! By the way, Brandi is my best friend.
We got to Brandi's house at straight up 7 pm and when the door opened, I hear "New York, New York" playing on the CD player. I was so excited!! But, not near as excited or amazed as when I came into the living room and saw this:

And, I can say that I don't think the pictures even do it justice!! It's a HUGE mural of NYC and we all have our own stores!! It is complete with a Business Records Management building, Jaxon's Baby World, Evan's Pet Store, Rachel's Scrapbook Heaven, and Payton's Sporting Goods!! I'm trying to find a place in my house to really hang this thing! It was so awesome!!

I head to the kitchen and see this spread of food!! New York hot dogs!!

I love New York t-shirt cookies that Brandi made herself!!

An Empire State Building cake made by Donna herself!!

Songs about NYC playing in the background!! I was in heaven!! I was so surprised!! I loved EVERYTHING!!!
We ate dinner and then opened presents -- oh how I love presents!!
I got an Andy Warhol bag that is black and white with purple flowers on it. On the handle, it says "My favorite smell is the first smell of spring in New York. . . " I love it!! It has a banana shaped coin purse inside of it! It is so cute!!! Thank you, Joel & Trish!!
I got a really cute card from Brandi. It was so cute!! On the envelope, it had Brandi's name with a big X over it and then it had my name. On the inside, was written a really cute note by Christy (Miles' nurse) and it was marked out with a note from Brandi on the other side. The P.S. said, "Look, it was either a handmade card OR a party! I went with the party!" I'm so glad she did!! It was awesome!!
I got a zebra wallet from Dustin & Krissy that I love!! On the inside of it was a gift card to Sharky's and a gift card to Lowes and some cash!!!! I love it! It has so many pockets and places for stuff!! And, it matches my purse that I have now and when I do "upgrade" to a zebra purse, it will match it, too!!
Then, Brandi tells Randy to go get the present. Randy comes around the corner with this zebra suitcase!! I said, "Oh my gosh!" outloud! I was so excited!! I had been in the store a few weeks ago with Marki and I saw it there. I stood there trying to justify the purchase, but I couldn't. And, there it was -- all mine from my amazing friend!!! Now it's even more special!! Brandi told me I could use it when I really do get to go to NYC!! I love it!!
Then, we all played a game of "Apples to Apples" (get it? NYC -- the big apple?) when in the middle, the doorbell rings. In walks these 3 high school girls dressed as "show girls". I don't even remember the song they danced to because we were all laughing so hard!! Oh, I think it was "All That Jazz". That was definitely one of those things you just had to be there to see. Describing it wouldn't do it justice -- at all!!
Randy ended up winning Apples to Apples, but we kept playing. I think Cody won "second" -- or first loser as he put it.
I had Aaron take a few pictures of me with Brandi and Randy. I cannot believe how much work they put into that mural and the party itself!!
I'm telling you, I am so blessed to call Brandi my friend. Someone asked me yesterday how we ended up at our church and when I was thinking back on it, I remember the first thing we ever went to was Brandi & Randy's life group at David & Candy's house. Jocie was a little baby. We just felt comfortable there. Then, at the end of the night, Brandi said, "Do you scrapbook?" Right then and there, she had my heart!! ;) Who knew at that moment, I had made a friend for life. For that, I am very thankful!!
So, here's to the bestest best friend in the whole wide world!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007
My Saturday in a Nutshell
NOTE: I had a children's church girls camp out Friday & Saturday.
* 2:00 am -- Got to go to bed after most of the girls were asleep at the camp out.
* 7:30 am -- Some girls were awake. Head to Clyde for the morning donut run.
* 8:15 am -- Make it back to the camp out after stopping by my house to pick up coffee creamer because some of the girls wanted coffee and Erica said ok (I secretly thought that was kind of cool). Start tearing down tents and getting girls stuff together. We still seemed to manage to lose a few pairs of shoes and I came home with someone's pillow.
* 10:00 am -- Head home after making sure Kelly's house was all clean and tidy.
* 11:30 am -- Head to Wal-Mart for children's church stuff
* 12:00 pm -- Aaron and the boys move the "swingset" from a property that our church owns to our house.
* 1 pm -- Make it back home. Search for Aaron's hammer. It's vanished into thin air.
* 2 pm -- Lay down to take a nap because my allergies are acting up.
* 4:30 pm -- Wake up to see these pictures:

Good thing -- Aaron did have them both cleaned up by the time I woke up.
* 4:50 pm -- Evan gets tackled in a bed of fire ants. Payton comes running in the house and Evan's screaming. Aaron knocks all of them off of him and this is what was left:

(The blue is left over paint . . . not from the fire ants.)
* 5:00 pm -- Payton has a theory on the fire ants. He says, "Mom, you know how Jesus arose? I think what happens is that dad goes out and puts out the poison on the ant bed and he puts water on them because that's what you're suppose to do, but on the third day, they come back to life. It's kind of like they're just knocked out or something." Payton is proud that he was Evan's "hero" and got Aaron so quickly.
* 5:40 pm -- Evan's running around and most of the bites have disappeared.
* 6:15 pm -- Aaron leaves to go take Cole's trailer back and go turn on the a/c at the school for tomorrow morning. He then heads to Abilene for Bryan's party. I'm staying home with the kids because my head is all still plugged up and I feel like I can't breathe. Evan complains a little that his bites are hurting again.
* 6:35 pm -- Payton decides to teach Evan how to ride a big boy bike (without the training wheels)

* 6:37 pm -- They crash.

* 6:45 pm -- Sit down to blog about the day.
* Now heading to my scrapbook closet to try and finish Justus' calendar and another "secret surprise"!! ;) I'm secretly hoping to get Jaxon's room taped off so I can start painting this week!!
* 2:00 am -- Got to go to bed after most of the girls were asleep at the camp out.
* 7:30 am -- Some girls were awake. Head to Clyde for the morning donut run.
* 8:15 am -- Make it back to the camp out after stopping by my house to pick up coffee creamer because some of the girls wanted coffee and Erica said ok (I secretly thought that was kind of cool). Start tearing down tents and getting girls stuff together. We still seemed to manage to lose a few pairs of shoes and I came home with someone's pillow.
* 10:00 am -- Head home after making sure Kelly's house was all clean and tidy.
* 11:30 am -- Head to Wal-Mart for children's church stuff
* 12:00 pm -- Aaron and the boys move the "swingset" from a property that our church owns to our house.
* 1 pm -- Make it back home. Search for Aaron's hammer. It's vanished into thin air.
* 2 pm -- Lay down to take a nap because my allergies are acting up.
* 4:30 pm -- Wake up to see these pictures:

Good thing -- Aaron did have them both cleaned up by the time I woke up.
* 4:50 pm -- Evan gets tackled in a bed of fire ants. Payton comes running in the house and Evan's screaming. Aaron knocks all of them off of him and this is what was left:

(The blue is left over paint . . . not from the fire ants.)
* 5:00 pm -- Payton has a theory on the fire ants. He says, "Mom, you know how Jesus arose? I think what happens is that dad goes out and puts out the poison on the ant bed and he puts water on them because that's what you're suppose to do, but on the third day, they come back to life. It's kind of like they're just knocked out or something." Payton is proud that he was Evan's "hero" and got Aaron so quickly.
* 5:40 pm -- Evan's running around and most of the bites have disappeared.
* 6:15 pm -- Aaron leaves to go take Cole's trailer back and go turn on the a/c at the school for tomorrow morning. He then heads to Abilene for Bryan's party. I'm staying home with the kids because my head is all still plugged up and I feel like I can't breathe. Evan complains a little that his bites are hurting again.
* 6:35 pm -- Payton decides to teach Evan how to ride a big boy bike (without the training wheels)

* 6:37 pm -- They crash.

* 6:45 pm -- Sit down to blog about the day.
* Now heading to my scrapbook closet to try and finish Justus' calendar and another "secret surprise"!! ;) I'm secretly hoping to get Jaxon's room taped off so I can start painting this week!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Just A Few Pictures
Our friend and photographer took these pictures of the boys at Aaron's warehouse a few weeks ago. When I heard she took their pictures, I wondered what she would do to get some good shots in a warehouse, but I think she did an amazing job!! So here they are:

The internet keeps messing up, but I'll try to post more later.

The internet keeps messing up, but I'll try to post more later.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Evan's F-U-N-N-Y!!
Tonight, Aaron was telling the boys that they're going to Roy & Marki's for the weekend and Evan said, "I hope they don't have their cows anymore." Aaron asked him why and Evan said, " Because I don't like cows anymore, they bark too much, like this MOOOOOOOOO and scare me."
A friend of ours had a baby on Sunday and we went to see him on Monday. On the way there, here's how our conversation went:
E: Is he already out?
R: Yes, he was born yesterday.
E: Mom, how do babies come out of your tummy?
R: Well, that's kind of tricky.
E: Do they cut your tummy open?
R: Sometimes they do.
E: Wow!! That would take a lot of band-aids!!
Last night at the dinner table, Evan said, "Is 'What the heck' a word?"
Payton was complaining about his head hurting and his throat hurting. Evan said, "Payton, if you eat cottage cheese, it will make you feel better."
A few weeks ago, we were sitting at the table and everyone was snacking on pudding or Jell-O when Evan said, "Hey! Anyone want to see my butt crack?" We laughed so hard!! It was absolutely hilarious!! Then, we look over and he's mooning us!!
A friend of ours had a baby on Sunday and we went to see him on Monday. On the way there, here's how our conversation went:
E: Is he already out?
R: Yes, he was born yesterday.
E: Mom, how do babies come out of your tummy?
R: Well, that's kind of tricky.
E: Do they cut your tummy open?
R: Sometimes they do.
E: Wow!! That would take a lot of band-aids!!
Last night at the dinner table, Evan said, "Is 'What the heck' a word?"
Payton was complaining about his head hurting and his throat hurting. Evan said, "Payton, if you eat cottage cheese, it will make you feel better."
A few weeks ago, we were sitting at the table and everyone was snacking on pudding or Jell-O when Evan said, "Hey! Anyone want to see my butt crack?" We laughed so hard!! It was absolutely hilarious!! Then, we look over and he's mooning us!!
Payton Update
Payton has had a headache since Saturday. He's been running a fever off and on, although we haven't been able to "catch it" to see how high. It goes up and he feels bad and then it breaks and he feels fine. He has wanted to go to school every day and we've sent him because I know how that works -- he gets up and starts feeling better by 9 and still gets to stay at home all day. I didn't want to do that, especially the first week of school.
Last night, his voice was weird and he was saying that his throat hurt and his head hurt. We went to a friend's house to swim while Aaron & his guys had their fantasy football thing. He jumped in a few times and said he was ready to go. I thought it was because his friend wasn't there and the water was really cold from the earlier rain shower that came through.
Anyway, he got up this morning and he was sweaty like his fever had just broke and he was still saying his head and his throat hurt. So, Aaron took him to Dr. J's this morning and Payton has the early stages of MONO!! YUCK!!!
They did a blood test (Payton was so BIG! He didn't even cry!) and it came back negative, but he has several symptoms of it. Dr. J said he isn't contagious now and it's still really early, but he was sure that in 4 to 7 days, it would be full blown mono. He said Payton can still go to school because he's not contagious yet, but he can't do any activities (like P.E.) and when he gets home, he has to lay on the couch and watch a lot of movies (words of Dr. J) and I'm sure Xbox goes in that category, too.
So, I'm believing that the symptoms will stop and Payton will be instantly healed. We definitely don't need mono going around our house or anyone else's house!
Last night, his voice was weird and he was saying that his throat hurt and his head hurt. We went to a friend's house to swim while Aaron & his guys had their fantasy football thing. He jumped in a few times and said he was ready to go. I thought it was because his friend wasn't there and the water was really cold from the earlier rain shower that came through.
Anyway, he got up this morning and he was sweaty like his fever had just broke and he was still saying his head and his throat hurt. So, Aaron took him to Dr. J's this morning and Payton has the early stages of MONO!! YUCK!!!
They did a blood test (Payton was so BIG! He didn't even cry!) and it came back negative, but he has several symptoms of it. Dr. J said he isn't contagious now and it's still really early, but he was sure that in 4 to 7 days, it would be full blown mono. He said Payton can still go to school because he's not contagious yet, but he can't do any activities (like P.E.) and when he gets home, he has to lay on the couch and watch a lot of movies (words of Dr. J) and I'm sure Xbox goes in that category, too.
So, I'm believing that the symptoms will stop and Payton will be instantly healed. We definitely don't need mono going around our house or anyone else's house!
Friday, August 10, 2007
The BOYS are BACK!!
Evan and I were glued to the tv last night watching the game, listening to all the stats, blah blah blah. We just wanted them to show the crowd, but they didn't do much of that. They did show one family where the "dad" had on a Panthers jersey. Not sure if he was at the right game. ;)
Our car pulled in our driveway this morning at 1:45 am. Inside were 3 very sleepy boys who came in and went straight to bed. This morning, I asked them how it went and Payton said, "Good." Ethan gave me all the details (which I loved!). Aaron told me he got some good pictures and video of the game, so after he left for work, I went out to the car to get my camera.
So, here are some pictures from the game:

Doesn't he look excited?

Doing the WAVE:

Don't they look excited?

The cowboys sideline, although I don't know who any of them are:

The Colts are close!! So are the boys! They moved down once the game started so they could be closer.

Here's the Cowboys tunnel. These videos are short because if they get too big, my camera won't hold them:
Payton said he did have a good time and he would like to do it again sometime. I'm not sure Aaron does -- lots of cars and lots of people. Aaron said maybe once a year!
Our car pulled in our driveway this morning at 1:45 am. Inside were 3 very sleepy boys who came in and went straight to bed. This morning, I asked them how it went and Payton said, "Good." Ethan gave me all the details (which I loved!). Aaron told me he got some good pictures and video of the game, so after he left for work, I went out to the car to get my camera.
So, here are some pictures from the game:
Doesn't he look excited?
Doing the WAVE:
Don't they look excited?
The cowboys sideline, although I don't know who any of them are:
The Colts are close!! So are the boys! They moved down once the game started so they could be closer.
Here's the Cowboys tunnel. These videos are short because if they get too big, my camera won't hold them:
Payton said he did have a good time and he would like to do it again sometime. I'm not sure Aaron does -- lots of cars and lots of people. Aaron said maybe once a year!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Tonight's a big night at our house!! Payton has a chance of being on tv and he wants everyone to know and be watching FOX at 7 pm tonight!!
Aaron is taking Payton & his friend to the Dallas Cowboys game tonight. It's the Dallas Cowboys vs. Indianapolis Colts pre-season game. Payton is so excited that he's going to get to see Tony Romo, Terrell Owens, Roy Williams, and Peyton Manning all in the same game!! He is so excited about it!! He's been on the phone this morning with Na Na (my mom) and Purty (Aaron's mom) making sure they're going to tune in.
They're going to be in one of the end zones (section 33) on the side. I had tickets on Ebay that were in the end zone on the first row, but I lost them in the last 30 seconds. But, we were able to get some more, so it all worked out in the end.
I'm sending my camera with Aaron and hopefully he'll remember to use it! ;)
Aaron is taking Payton & his friend to the Dallas Cowboys game tonight. It's the Dallas Cowboys vs. Indianapolis Colts pre-season game. Payton is so excited that he's going to get to see Tony Romo, Terrell Owens, Roy Williams, and Peyton Manning all in the same game!! He is so excited about it!! He's been on the phone this morning with Na Na (my mom) and Purty (Aaron's mom) making sure they're going to tune in.
They're going to be in one of the end zones (section 33) on the side. I had tickets on Ebay that were in the end zone on the first row, but I lost them in the last 30 seconds. But, we were able to get some more, so it all worked out in the end.
I'm sending my camera with Aaron and hopefully he'll remember to use it! ;)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
My 30th Birthday
My 30th birthday is coming up in September (the 21st to be exact) and my friend, Becky, asked me what I wanted to do. Now, I know this is a HUGE STRETCH in every way possible, but here's what I want to do: I want to go to NEW YORK CITY!!!
I have always wanted to go see the Big Apple and this would be a trip that would definitely not be exciting for Aaron. But, how fun would it be to take a few girlfriends and see the big city for the weekend?!?!
Last night I looked up some prices and it's ranging from $442 to $539 to stay in the heart of NYC. I do have a friend who can help me with the best of the best in NYC for the cheapest rate. And, yes I will be 7 months pregnant, but I think it would still be ok for me to fly. I'll have to check on that one.
Again, I TOTALLY know this is a HUGE STRETCH, but I think it would be a BLAST!! I've been trying to figure out how it would all work and I just don't know other than I'm just going to believe God that He will take care of the money!!
I have always wanted to go see the Big Apple and this would be a trip that would definitely not be exciting for Aaron. But, how fun would it be to take a few girlfriends and see the big city for the weekend?!?!
Last night I looked up some prices and it's ranging from $442 to $539 to stay in the heart of NYC. I do have a friend who can help me with the best of the best in NYC for the cheapest rate. And, yes I will be 7 months pregnant, but I think it would still be ok for me to fly. I'll have to check on that one.
Again, I TOTALLY know this is a HUGE STRETCH, but I think it would be a BLAST!! I've been trying to figure out how it would all work and I just don't know other than I'm just going to believe God that He will take care of the money!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Leaving Comments
If you leave a comment under "Anonymous", will you please sign your name in the comment? It's just nice to know who left what comment instead of trying to guess.
It's Official!!
The baby's name will OFFICIALLY be:
We've gone back and forth (or at least I have), but I've decided to make it official.
Jaxon Carter
We've gone back and forth (or at least I have), but I've decided to make it official.
July 24th -- Brown Baby?
Here's something funny Payton said tonight about naming the baby:
Payton: Dad, if our baby was brown, you know what I would name it?
Aaron: What?
Payton: Michael Jordan
We just laughed and laughed -- if our baby was brown?
Payton: Dad, if our baby was brown, you know what I would name it?
Aaron: What?
Payton: Michael Jordan
We just laughed and laughed -- if our baby was brown?
July 21st -- Naming the Baby -- OR NOT!
This past week has really been fun for us as a family. We've been discussing names for the baby and trying to find something that "sounds good". We've had a few suggestions from different people. I thought it would be funny to make a list of some of the names that have been thrown around inside our house. I'll add more as I remember them. At this point, I'm thankful that my children will not be having/naming children any time soon!!
Aaron's suggestions:
Payton's Suggestions:
Jack-Jack (from the Incredibles)
Romo (after Tony Romo -- plays for the Dallas Cowboys)
Evan's Suggestions:
My suggestions:
Anything besides CHICKEN!!
Aaron's suggestions:
Payton's Suggestions:
Jack-Jack (from the Incredibles)
Romo (after Tony Romo -- plays for the Dallas Cowboys)
Evan's Suggestions:
My suggestions:
Anything besides CHICKEN!!
July 13th -- Poison Control Center
Everyone should have this phone number on their refrigerator!!
This afternoon, Payton & Evan were supposed to be taking a nap. I was working on my computer when I hear the bathroom water start running and Evan started screaming. I went to the bathroom and he is standing there with a cup in his hand and his hands are shaking. I asked him what happened and he said, "I drank it." I thought he meant the water, but it was on cold, so I was still a little lost as to what happened. I kept asking him what he drank and I got more and more frustrated because he was just crying and screaming saying it was hot.
Finally, Payton came in and told me that a glow stick had broken and it got in Evan's mouth. I asked him where it was and he showed me an 3/4 empty container!! I went nuts!! I mean, whatever is in that thing that makes it glow is now sitting in Evan's stomach and in his mouth!!
I started trying to find a phone book around, but not sure exactly who I was going to call. In my mind, I could see me having to take him to the emergency room. Then, thoughts of how we would pay for it. All the while, Evan's following me around screaming that his mouth is burning.
Finally, I pick up my phone and call Trish, our friend who will soon be a nurse practitioner. My goodness, can I just tell you how thankful I am for her?!?! I was in hysterics and when she answered the phone, I knew all would be ok. I asked her what to do and she asked me if I had any of that stuff that would make him throw up -- I didn't. Then, she said she would call poison control and get back to me -- DUH! Poison control!!
So, I looked it up in my phone book and called. I got a very understanding lady who told me not to worry about it and it wouldn't hurt him. It would burn his mouth and his throat, but to give him a popsicle or some yogurt or something really cold that would make it stop burning.
Just a few nights before, I had bought a HUGE thing of popsicles, so I broke those out and gave him one. Trish called back and the lady she talked to at poison control told her the same thing, so I felt even better. The popsicle did seem to work, although I had the smell of that stuff on my hands for quite a while!!
So, now I've added Poison Control to my list of contacts in my cell phone. Today I am so very thankful for Trish and how she saved my day!! I'm also very thankful that nothing was wrong and Evan will be ok. Thank you, Jesus, for angels that are encamped around my children!!!
This afternoon, Payton & Evan were supposed to be taking a nap. I was working on my computer when I hear the bathroom water start running and Evan started screaming. I went to the bathroom and he is standing there with a cup in his hand and his hands are shaking. I asked him what happened and he said, "I drank it." I thought he meant the water, but it was on cold, so I was still a little lost as to what happened. I kept asking him what he drank and I got more and more frustrated because he was just crying and screaming saying it was hot.
Finally, Payton came in and told me that a glow stick had broken and it got in Evan's mouth. I asked him where it was and he showed me an 3/4 empty container!! I went nuts!! I mean, whatever is in that thing that makes it glow is now sitting in Evan's stomach and in his mouth!!
I started trying to find a phone book around, but not sure exactly who I was going to call. In my mind, I could see me having to take him to the emergency room. Then, thoughts of how we would pay for it. All the while, Evan's following me around screaming that his mouth is burning.
Finally, I pick up my phone and call Trish, our friend who will soon be a nurse practitioner. My goodness, can I just tell you how thankful I am for her?!?! I was in hysterics and when she answered the phone, I knew all would be ok. I asked her what to do and she asked me if I had any of that stuff that would make him throw up -- I didn't. Then, she said she would call poison control and get back to me -- DUH! Poison control!!
So, I looked it up in my phone book and called. I got a very understanding lady who told me not to worry about it and it wouldn't hurt him. It would burn his mouth and his throat, but to give him a popsicle or some yogurt or something really cold that would make it stop burning.
Just a few nights before, I had bought a HUGE thing of popsicles, so I broke those out and gave him one. Trish called back and the lady she talked to at poison control told her the same thing, so I felt even better. The popsicle did seem to work, although I had the smell of that stuff on my hands for quite a while!!
So, now I've added Poison Control to my list of contacts in my cell phone. Today I am so very thankful for Trish and how she saved my day!! I'm also very thankful that nothing was wrong and Evan will be ok. Thank you, Jesus, for angels that are encamped around my children!!!
July 10th -- Snaggle Tooth & Hate Mail
Last night, Payton finally lost a tooth!!! It was kind of on accident, but it came out anyway! His bottom tooth is growing in behind his baby teeth and there is no way that thing was going to push the baby ones out. So, we've been wiggling his baby teeth at night so they will still fall out. Last night, Aaron was wiggling his tooth and kind of flicked his finger out of his mouth and the tooth came out!! Payton was shocked and a little freaked out about it. But, it's done. Here's some pictures:

Here he is with his tooth fairy money this morning:

The other night, Payton caught a little butterfly and the girl next door was very upset about it. I was outside and she was telling me how this butterfly was missing it's mommy and Payton should let it go. I assured her that it would be ok and Payton just wanted Aaron to see it. That just didn't satisfy her. She kept telling me how rude it was and how mean it was. Again, I assured her that we were going to let it go when Aaron saw it. Finally, Evan grabbed the bowl that the butterfly was in and he took it in the house. He said, "Ha ha, Makenna. You can't see it anymore and you can't let it go!" I told him that he didn't have to be so rude and this little girl says, "Yeah, I know. I have to tell him that all the time." Lucky for me, it was getting dark and I told the boys to get their things from outside and it was time to go in the house. We closed the garage door and she was still in our driveway still appalled that I would let them keep this butterfly.
Today when I checked the mail, I pulled out a note that was written in orange marker. Here is what it said (literally):

The other night, Payton caught a little butterfly and the girl next door was very upset about it. I was outside and she was telling me how this butterfly was missing it's mommy and Payton should let it go. I assured her that it would be ok and Payton just wanted Aaron to see it. That just didn't satisfy her. She kept telling me how rude it was and how mean it was. Again, I assured her that we were going to let it go when Aaron saw it. Finally, Evan grabbed the bowl that the butterfly was in and he took it in the house. He said, "Ha ha, Makenna. You can't see it anymore and you can't let it go!" I told him that he didn't have to be so rude and this little girl says, "Yeah, I know. I have to tell him that all the time." Lucky for me, it was getting dark and I told the boys to get their things from outside and it was time to go in the house. We closed the garage door and she was still in our driveway still appalled that I would let them keep this butterfly.
Today when I checked the mail, I pulled out a note that was written in orange marker. Here is what it said (literally):
Paten and Evean You are a stoped nabr. We hate you.
My interpretation is:
Payton & Evan
You are a stupid neighbor. We hate you.
You are a stupid neighbor. We hate you.
Now, I would almost bet money that it was written by the little girl that lives in the "not-so-nice-neighbor-house". The girls in the "nice-neighbor-house" are older and would know how to spell better and I can't imagine them doing it. The boy in the "not-so-nice-neighbor-house" is older, but again, I think he should be able to spell better.
But, what do you do? Do we go tell the parents? If my child did that, I would definitely want to know, but they are definitely not me and I'm not sure they would disagree with the letter. ;) But, they're closing on their house and I will have new neighbors on Monday, so does it really matter? But, can you believe that?!?!
Thank you, Jesus, that they are moving!!!
But, what do you do? Do we go tell the parents? If my child did that, I would definitely want to know, but they are definitely not me and I'm not sure they would disagree with the letter. ;) But, they're closing on their house and I will have new neighbors on Monday, so does it really matter? But, can you believe that?!?!
Thank you, Jesus, that they are moving!!!
Aaron and I thought a blog would be a perfect spot for family members to come and see what's going on in our house!! We'll try to update it often for big events (and not so big events) that are going on in our house!!
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