* 2:00 am -- Got to go to bed after most of the girls were asleep at the camp out.
* 7:30 am -- Some girls were awake. Head to Clyde for the morning donut run.
* 8:15 am -- Make it back to the camp out after stopping by my house to pick up coffee creamer because some of the girls wanted coffee and Erica said ok (I secretly thought that was kind of cool). Start tearing down tents and getting girls stuff together. We still seemed to manage to lose a few pairs of shoes and I came home with someone's pillow.
* 10:00 am -- Head home after making sure Kelly's house was all clean and tidy.
* 11:30 am -- Head to Wal-Mart for children's church stuff
* 12:00 pm -- Aaron and the boys move the "swingset" from a property that our church owns to our house.
* 1 pm -- Make it back home. Search for Aaron's hammer. It's vanished into thin air.
* 2 pm -- Lay down to take a nap because my allergies are acting up.
* 4:30 pm -- Wake up to see these pictures:

Good thing -- Aaron did have them both cleaned up by the time I woke up.
* 4:50 pm -- Evan gets tackled in a bed of fire ants. Payton comes running in the house and Evan's screaming. Aaron knocks all of them off of him and this is what was left:

(The blue is left over paint . . . not from the fire ants.)
* 5:00 pm -- Payton has a theory on the fire ants. He says, "Mom, you know how Jesus arose? I think what happens is that dad goes out and puts out the poison on the ant bed and he puts water on them because that's what you're suppose to do, but on the third day, they come back to life. It's kind of like they're just knocked out or something." Payton is proud that he was Evan's "hero" and got Aaron so quickly.
* 5:40 pm -- Evan's running around and most of the bites have disappeared.
* 6:15 pm -- Aaron leaves to go take Cole's trailer back and go turn on the a/c at the school for tomorrow morning. He then heads to Abilene for Bryan's party. I'm staying home with the kids because my head is all still plugged up and I feel like I can't breathe. Evan complains a little that his bites are hurting again.
* 6:35 pm -- Payton decides to teach Evan how to ride a big boy bike (without the training wheels)

* 6:37 pm -- They crash.

* 6:45 pm -- Sit down to blog about the day.
* Now heading to my scrapbook closet to try and finish Justus' calendar and another "secret surprise"!! ;) I'm secretly hoping to get Jaxon's room taped off so I can start painting this week!!