I just can't wait to show you guys the pictures!!! I'm so excited about this room and even though it's not quite finished, I just have to share!!
So, instead of trying to upload all of them to here, click on this link and you can see the slideshow from start to almost finished!
I am so pleased with this room!! Just a few more things to get done. Then it's time to move the furniture in and just the littlest details!!
WOW! I can't believe how close it's getting!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
10/5 -- I am DETERMINED!!
I wanted to title this blog "I am OBSESSED", but I think a better word is DETERMINED. I'm DETERMINED to get this nursery finished!!! I feel like I've been working on it forever. Although, it's only been a few weeks off and on, I guess just because I've had the whole thing in my head since July and how many times I've drawn it all out on my graph paper, it feels like it's been forever.
I can say that I think I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than I ever thought I would. I know their colors, what the field looks like, I even know a few players and their numbers. I only have one wall left in the nursery to finish and it's the football field. So, I've been checking out the Dallas Cowboys website and looking at the new stadium through the hole in the roof down onto the field. All the while, learning about the tradition of the open roof and the Dallas Cowboys. I've been trying to match the font of the field. I can't find the right stencils, but last night I realized that I have my scrapbooking die-cut machine (my Cricut (pronounced Cricket)) that can cut letters out and I can make the stencils. . . I just don't have the right cartridge.
Right at this point, Aaron would think that I'm nuts. He thinks I'm getting too detailed on this room. I just keep telling him that it will be AWESOME when it's finished. I already have a few kindergarten boys that are wanting to move in there!!
I did find a lady online who has done the whole football field thing on the wall. She did her son's room in the University of Alabama. Her wall looks AMAZING!! I just hope this wall looks half as good as hers when I'm finished!!
BUT, the reason that I'm able to focus so much on this room is because I'm learning to delegate. I am so thankful for that!! By delegating things out, I'm able to focus on the nursery. I'm able to focus on my house. I'm able to not be all stressed out about how many things I have to get done in a day or this week. And, in learning how to delegate, I am so thankful that I get to go to children's church on Sunday morning and I don't have to do a single thing -- just be there.
My goal for today is to:
* Finish taping off the yard lines in Jaxon's room and get them painted
* Get Payton & Evan's room picked up and organized again (aka throw a bunch of stuff away)
* Get my laundry all done
Then, maybe tonight I'll head to the scrapbook store for a little R & R and use her Cricut and the cartridge there.
Gosh! Maybe I should have delegated someone to finish Jaxon's room!! No, I'm too much of a control freak for that! ;)
P.S. Here's something neat that happened to Aaron last night. Ever since we got married, Aaron has wanted to go to the OU vs UT football game (aka The Red River Shootout). But, tickets have been expensive and hard to get. About a week ago, Aaron's cousin called and said he MIGHT have Aaron a ticket, but he had to make sure it wasn't taken already. Aaron got excited, but that started to fade after days of not hearing from Ryan. But, last night at 10:30 pm, Aaron's phone rang. His cousin has him a ticket on the 50 yard line on the first row on OU's side!! Aaron is so pumped!! He kept telling me it was an answer to prayer. I just laughed. He thinks I'm not excited about him going, but I really am. Yes, I have to take my kids to 3 birthday parties on Saturday -- two of which are at the same time, different places -- but I'm really excited for him. And, I'm excited that at least the boys and I have something to do on Saturday!! So, if you watch the game, rejoice with Aaron that he's there!!!
EDITED TO ADD: Aaron had a blast at the OU game!! His ears were still ringing on Sunday, but he loved it!!!
I can say that I think I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than I ever thought I would. I know their colors, what the field looks like, I even know a few players and their numbers. I only have one wall left in the nursery to finish and it's the football field. So, I've been checking out the Dallas Cowboys website and looking at the new stadium through the hole in the roof down onto the field. All the while, learning about the tradition of the open roof and the Dallas Cowboys. I've been trying to match the font of the field. I can't find the right stencils, but last night I realized that I have my scrapbooking die-cut machine (my Cricut (pronounced Cricket)) that can cut letters out and I can make the stencils. . . I just don't have the right cartridge.
Right at this point, Aaron would think that I'm nuts. He thinks I'm getting too detailed on this room. I just keep telling him that it will be AWESOME when it's finished. I already have a few kindergarten boys that are wanting to move in there!!
I did find a lady online who has done the whole football field thing on the wall. She did her son's room in the University of Alabama. Her wall looks AMAZING!! I just hope this wall looks half as good as hers when I'm finished!!
BUT, the reason that I'm able to focus so much on this room is because I'm learning to delegate. I am so thankful for that!! By delegating things out, I'm able to focus on the nursery. I'm able to focus on my house. I'm able to not be all stressed out about how many things I have to get done in a day or this week. And, in learning how to delegate, I am so thankful that I get to go to children's church on Sunday morning and I don't have to do a single thing -- just be there.
My goal for today is to:
* Finish taping off the yard lines in Jaxon's room and get them painted
* Get Payton & Evan's room picked up and organized again (aka throw a bunch of stuff away)
* Get my laundry all done
Then, maybe tonight I'll head to the scrapbook store for a little R & R and use her Cricut and the cartridge there.
Gosh! Maybe I should have delegated someone to finish Jaxon's room!! No, I'm too much of a control freak for that! ;)
P.S. Here's something neat that happened to Aaron last night. Ever since we got married, Aaron has wanted to go to the OU vs UT football game (aka The Red River Shootout). But, tickets have been expensive and hard to get. About a week ago, Aaron's cousin called and said he MIGHT have Aaron a ticket, but he had to make sure it wasn't taken already. Aaron got excited, but that started to fade after days of not hearing from Ryan. But, last night at 10:30 pm, Aaron's phone rang. His cousin has him a ticket on the 50 yard line on the first row on OU's side!! Aaron is so pumped!! He kept telling me it was an answer to prayer. I just laughed. He thinks I'm not excited about him going, but I really am. Yes, I have to take my kids to 3 birthday parties on Saturday -- two of which are at the same time, different places -- but I'm really excited for him. And, I'm excited that at least the boys and I have something to do on Saturday!! So, if you watch the game, rejoice with Aaron that he's there!!!
EDITED TO ADD: Aaron had a blast at the OU game!! His ears were still ringing on Sunday, but he loved it!!!
My 30th Birthday Party
I just realized that I never blogged about my birthday party!! So, here it goes!
I get a phone call on Thursday that says to be at Brandi's house at 7 pm on Friday night. That's all the information I got. Now, I don't like surprises, but I was trusting Brandi on this one!! By the way, Brandi is my best friend.
We got to Brandi's house at straight up 7 pm and when the door opened, I hear "New York, New York" playing on the CD player. I was so excited!! But, not near as excited or amazed as when I came into the living room and saw this:

And, I can say that I don't think the pictures even do it justice!! It's a HUGE mural of NYC and we all have our own stores!! It is complete with a Business Records Management building, Jaxon's Baby World, Evan's Pet Store, Rachel's Scrapbook Heaven, and Payton's Sporting Goods!! I'm trying to find a place in my house to really hang this thing! It was so awesome!!

I head to the kitchen and see this spread of food!! New York hot dogs!!

I love New York t-shirt cookies that Brandi made herself!!

An Empire State Building cake made by Donna herself!!

Songs about NYC playing in the background!! I was in heaven!! I was so surprised!! I loved EVERYTHING!!!
We ate dinner and then opened presents -- oh how I love presents!!
I got an Andy Warhol bag that is black and white with purple flowers on it. On the handle, it says "My favorite smell is the first smell of spring in New York. . . " I love it!! It has a banana shaped coin purse inside of it! It is so cute!!! Thank you, Joel & Trish!!
I got a really cute card from Brandi. It was so cute!! On the envelope, it had Brandi's name with a big X over it and then it had my name. On the inside, was written a really cute note by Christy (Miles' nurse) and it was marked out with a note from Brandi on the other side. The P.S. said, "Look, it was either a handmade card OR a party! I went with the party!" I'm so glad she did!! It was awesome!!
I got a zebra wallet from Dustin & Krissy that I love!! On the inside of it was a gift card to Sharky's and a gift card to Lowes and some cash!!!! I love it! It has so many pockets and places for stuff!! And, it matches my purse that I have now and when I do "upgrade" to a zebra purse, it will match it, too!!
Then, Brandi tells Randy to go get the present. Randy comes around the corner with this zebra suitcase!! I said, "Oh my gosh!" outloud! I was so excited!! I had been in the store a few weeks ago with Marki and I saw it there. I stood there trying to justify the purchase, but I couldn't. And, there it was -- all mine from my amazing friend!!! Now it's even more special!! Brandi told me I could use it when I really do get to go to NYC!! I love it!!
Then, we all played a game of "Apples to Apples" (get it? NYC -- the big apple?) when in the middle, the doorbell rings. In walks these 3 high school girls dressed as "show girls". I don't even remember the song they danced to because we were all laughing so hard!! Oh, I think it was "All That Jazz". That was definitely one of those things you just had to be there to see. Describing it wouldn't do it justice -- at all!!
Randy ended up winning Apples to Apples, but we kept playing. I think Cody won "second" -- or first loser as he put it.
I had Aaron take a few pictures of me with Brandi and Randy. I cannot believe how much work they put into that mural and the party itself!!
I'm telling you, I am so blessed to call Brandi my friend. Someone asked me yesterday how we ended up at our church and when I was thinking back on it, I remember the first thing we ever went to was Brandi & Randy's life group at David & Candy's house. Jocie was a little baby. We just felt comfortable there. Then, at the end of the night, Brandi said, "Do you scrapbook?" Right then and there, she had my heart!! ;) Who knew at that moment, I had made a friend for life. For that, I am very thankful!!
So, here's to the bestest best friend in the whole wide world!!!
(Yes, I had to crop Randy out of this photo. In the picture of just me and Brandi, I blinked. And, don't pay attention to the rabbit ears!!)
I get a phone call on Thursday that says to be at Brandi's house at 7 pm on Friday night. That's all the information I got. Now, I don't like surprises, but I was trusting Brandi on this one!! By the way, Brandi is my best friend.
We got to Brandi's house at straight up 7 pm and when the door opened, I hear "New York, New York" playing on the CD player. I was so excited!! But, not near as excited or amazed as when I came into the living room and saw this:

And, I can say that I don't think the pictures even do it justice!! It's a HUGE mural of NYC and we all have our own stores!! It is complete with a Business Records Management building, Jaxon's Baby World, Evan's Pet Store, Rachel's Scrapbook Heaven, and Payton's Sporting Goods!! I'm trying to find a place in my house to really hang this thing! It was so awesome!!

I head to the kitchen and see this spread of food!! New York hot dogs!!

I love New York t-shirt cookies that Brandi made herself!!

An Empire State Building cake made by Donna herself!!

Songs about NYC playing in the background!! I was in heaven!! I was so surprised!! I loved EVERYTHING!!!
We ate dinner and then opened presents -- oh how I love presents!!
I got an Andy Warhol bag that is black and white with purple flowers on it. On the handle, it says "My favorite smell is the first smell of spring in New York. . . " I love it!! It has a banana shaped coin purse inside of it! It is so cute!!! Thank you, Joel & Trish!!
I got a really cute card from Brandi. It was so cute!! On the envelope, it had Brandi's name with a big X over it and then it had my name. On the inside, was written a really cute note by Christy (Miles' nurse) and it was marked out with a note from Brandi on the other side. The P.S. said, "Look, it was either a handmade card OR a party! I went with the party!" I'm so glad she did!! It was awesome!!
I got a zebra wallet from Dustin & Krissy that I love!! On the inside of it was a gift card to Sharky's and a gift card to Lowes and some cash!!!! I love it! It has so many pockets and places for stuff!! And, it matches my purse that I have now and when I do "upgrade" to a zebra purse, it will match it, too!!
Then, Brandi tells Randy to go get the present. Randy comes around the corner with this zebra suitcase!! I said, "Oh my gosh!" outloud! I was so excited!! I had been in the store a few weeks ago with Marki and I saw it there. I stood there trying to justify the purchase, but I couldn't. And, there it was -- all mine from my amazing friend!!! Now it's even more special!! Brandi told me I could use it when I really do get to go to NYC!! I love it!!
Then, we all played a game of "Apples to Apples" (get it? NYC -- the big apple?) when in the middle, the doorbell rings. In walks these 3 high school girls dressed as "show girls". I don't even remember the song they danced to because we were all laughing so hard!! Oh, I think it was "All That Jazz". That was definitely one of those things you just had to be there to see. Describing it wouldn't do it justice -- at all!!
Randy ended up winning Apples to Apples, but we kept playing. I think Cody won "second" -- or first loser as he put it.
I had Aaron take a few pictures of me with Brandi and Randy. I cannot believe how much work they put into that mural and the party itself!!
I'm telling you, I am so blessed to call Brandi my friend. Someone asked me yesterday how we ended up at our church and when I was thinking back on it, I remember the first thing we ever went to was Brandi & Randy's life group at David & Candy's house. Jocie was a little baby. We just felt comfortable there. Then, at the end of the night, Brandi said, "Do you scrapbook?" Right then and there, she had my heart!! ;) Who knew at that moment, I had made a friend for life. For that, I am very thankful!!
So, here's to the bestest best friend in the whole wide world!!!

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