But, when I got to church, Krissy (my other teacher) kept trying to kick me out of children's church. It didn't hurt my feelings, but she was being a little pushy about how I needed to get out of there and go sit down and do nothing for a change. But, I had my yellow team to talk to and Krissy was quick to say that she would handle it for the day. At our team pre-service meeting, Krissy told Eric & Nicole to just flow with it. . . she didn't say what "it" was. . . just flow. OK . . . not exactly how I do things, but I trust her.
So, I go to service, they dismiss the kids, I ask one last time to make sure Krissy is going to be ok and she assures me that if they need me, they will come and get me.
I'm sitting in the service when an usher comes up and tells me that I am needed in children's church. I knew whatever it was, it had to be bad. I'm walking up the aisle wondering what in the world could be going on. I get to the door of the gym and it's dead silent on the other side of it! I was a little scared and then I thought "What if the Holy Spirit came and knocked them all out and Krissy just wanted me to see it?" I just prayed real quick and asked God to get me through whatever was on the other side of that door!
I opened the door and all the kids yell SURPRISE!!! They all came running at me with cards in their hands that they had made for me. They threw me a surprise baby shower!! I was overwhelmed and shocked and truly blessed!! They had the presents all lined up and ready to go and they had a special seat for me to sit in. The kids had cookies and couldn't wait for me to open their gifts!! I had fun listening to them say "Diapers & wipes! Again?" So, here's Jaxon's loot from the day:

It totals:
398 diapers
1,071 wipes
1 bottle of lotion
6 washcloths (that have crowns and castles on them)
4 bibs
4 outfits
22 socks (11 pairs)
1 diaper rash cream
After I opened my gifts, the kids spoke blessings over me and Jaxon. It was the sweetest time. They told me how much they loved me and how much fun Jaxon was going to be. I think there are two that stand out the most -- one of the boys said, "All I have to say is Jaxon, rock on!" and then one of the girls told me that Jaxon was going to follow in my footsteps and the blessing that I've been to them (my current kids), that Jaxon would be that same blessing to their kids. WOW! That one caught me off guard, but it was so powerful!!
That's not to mention all of the cards they gave me!! I am truly blessed!! Our kids are such givers and they just love to give -- even if it's a piece of paper with their drawing on it.
So, it's 1 am and I'm heading to bed a blessed children's pastor and a blessed woman -- blessed above and beyond all I could ever hope, ask, or think!!