Jaxon had his 2-week check up today. He weighs a whopping 10 lbs. 2 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long!! Dr. S had a good chuckle when he saw 10 pounds already -- that's 2 pounds in 2 weeks!!! Jaxon started crying at one point and Dr. S said, 'Oh, are you hungry? I bet you are all the time!" I told him that yes, he does eat all the time. Dr. S said, "Are you nursing?" I said yes and he said, "I'm sorry."
Everyone wants to know how he's sleeping. . . well, we did good for 2 nights in a row!! Then last night he was up every 2 hours again. I guess that's part of it.
I keep trying to remember to make a slide show to post on here of all the pictures we've taken over the last two weeks (ok, maybe not all of them), but I keep forgetting. . . guess that's what happens when you're brain is low on sleep!! ;)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Jaxon Carter has arrived!!
I cannot tell you how good it feels to be in my own house with my own stuff and my own bed and our new son!!
I am convinced that Jaxon loves his mom and wanted things to go the way I wanted them to!! I cannot tell you how perfect my labor was with him.
I dropped Payton off at a friend's house and headed home. I wanted to get my kitchen swept and mopped and I wanted to finish getting my Christmas tree put together before going in to be induced. I got home and started sweeping. My contractions started and were 5 minutes apart!!
Aaron was planning on going over to Bryan's to play Halo, but I asked him to stay home or let them come over here to play because I wasn't going to make it to the morning. About 9 pm, I felt this pop in my stomach. I wasn't sure what that was, but thought it could have been my water. I called Brandi at some point in there to give her the good news.
I got everything done that I needed to do and went and laid down on my bed. I decided to go on in because at least they could give me some sleeping pills or something to take the edge off of the contractions. Right as we walked out the door of our house, I had a really bad contraction and started feeling pressure. It was a little scary.
We made it to the hospital in 13 minutes -- walked in about 11:45 or so! We walked in the ER and I had another contraction. This lady brought a wheelchair behind me and told me to sit down when I thought I could. Then, this guy nurse came out and bumped my legs with the wheelchair and told me to sit down now because we had to go. I thought he was awfully rude!!
This guy takes me FLYING down the hallways!! I had my eyes closed, but I could hear Aaron running -- not kidding, RUNNING -- behind us. He gets me up to L&D and they open the door and he pushes me through the doors and just lets me go. The nurses kind of had to run after me. That was quite funny at the time!! I got the last room available. They said they were going to have to call me and cancel my induction for the next morning anyway, so I was glad it happened on my own.
There were about 6 nurses in the room and one tries to check me and she can't feel Jaxon's head. She asked me if he has been head down. When I would have a contraction, you could see him laying sideways in my stomach. The weird thing is that a few months ago, I had this weird thought that I would have to have a c-section. I thought it was weird and it came from nowhere. I decided to believe against that, but also thought it could have been a "warning". Anyway, several of them checked me and they were whispering. I'm not sure at what point they finally felt his head, but I was relieved!
There was a lady who came in after me, but she was already pushing and they were convinced that she would deliver before me, so all the nurses ran over to her and we were both having to wait on Dr. Sinclair. The really neat thing was that I would have a really bad contraction and then have a period of rest for what seemed like a long time. Aaron said the rest wasn't all that long if any.
Speaking of Aaron, he was amazing!! He knew when to encourage me and when to stay quiet. He was so supportive in everything -- from the birth to family things. He kept telling me how proud he was of me. At one point, I was really embarrassed at how loud I was being during contractions. During my "rest" I actually said, "I think it's time I get myself together." The nurses thought that was funny. I don't know how many times he offered me his hand, but I grabbed the bed rail instead afraid that I might break his hand if I did hold it. I was just so thankful for him!!
Dr. S arrived and delivered the other lady. Then, he came in the room and told me to start pushing when I was ready. I don't think he was quite ready for how fast it all happened!! One push and Jaxon came flying out. Dr. S almost dropped him and things got a little chaotic at that point. He cut the cord and the clamp on my side of the cord came off, which wasn't good. The nurses weren't quite ready or they were shocked or something because everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion. I got the shakes really bad afterwards, which wasn't fun, but, in the end, all is well and Jaxon made his entrance on his own terms!! ;)
Here are his stats:

The nurses were all laughing about how big his head is and how long his toes are. Another great thing about his birth is that we were able to just be the 3 of us for a while before we called anyone or sent out text messages. Aaron's family was in town and I didn't want anyone at the hospital waiting on Jaxon or calling to get the updates while I'm being induced. I cannot even tell you how perfect everything was for what I wanted. I just felt like I was Jaxon's favorite and God's favorite for the way He set everything up.

Last night was a little rough. We were up all night. For some reason, he doesn't seem to enjoy his 100% Egyptian Cotton 800 TC sheets in his bed!! So, we slept in the recliner together for 20 minute intervals last night.
After he was born, he slept for a long time, then they circumcised him that morning, which made him even more sleepy, so he didn't eat much at all for the first day. They told me before I left the hospital that he would probably make up for it and boy, did he!! All he wanted to do last night was eat!! In the hospital, his blood sugar level dropped, so they had to give him formula and they sent some of it home with us, so luckily I had a bottle I was able to give him on occasion to give me a break. Today is much better. I took a nap this morning while Aaron watched him.
Here's another weird detail about his birth. Most of you know I have this weird thing with numbers. I don't like odd numbers, however all of our birthdays are on odd months, odd days, and odd years. Jaxon made it on an odd month, odd day, odd year by 41 minutes!! See, I'm convinced he loves his mom!! ;)
I am convinced that Jaxon loves his mom and wanted things to go the way I wanted them to!! I cannot tell you how perfect my labor was with him.
I dropped Payton off at a friend's house and headed home. I wanted to get my kitchen swept and mopped and I wanted to finish getting my Christmas tree put together before going in to be induced. I got home and started sweeping. My contractions started and were 5 minutes apart!!
Aaron was planning on going over to Bryan's to play Halo, but I asked him to stay home or let them come over here to play because I wasn't going to make it to the morning. About 9 pm, I felt this pop in my stomach. I wasn't sure what that was, but thought it could have been my water. I called Brandi at some point in there to give her the good news.
I got everything done that I needed to do and went and laid down on my bed. I decided to go on in because at least they could give me some sleeping pills or something to take the edge off of the contractions. Right as we walked out the door of our house, I had a really bad contraction and started feeling pressure. It was a little scary.
We made it to the hospital in 13 minutes -- walked in about 11:45 or so! We walked in the ER and I had another contraction. This lady brought a wheelchair behind me and told me to sit down when I thought I could. Then, this guy nurse came out and bumped my legs with the wheelchair and told me to sit down now because we had to go. I thought he was awfully rude!!
This guy takes me FLYING down the hallways!! I had my eyes closed, but I could hear Aaron running -- not kidding, RUNNING -- behind us. He gets me up to L&D and they open the door and he pushes me through the doors and just lets me go. The nurses kind of had to run after me. That was quite funny at the time!! I got the last room available. They said they were going to have to call me and cancel my induction for the next morning anyway, so I was glad it happened on my own.
There were about 6 nurses in the room and one tries to check me and she can't feel Jaxon's head. She asked me if he has been head down. When I would have a contraction, you could see him laying sideways in my stomach. The weird thing is that a few months ago, I had this weird thought that I would have to have a c-section. I thought it was weird and it came from nowhere. I decided to believe against that, but also thought it could have been a "warning". Anyway, several of them checked me and they were whispering. I'm not sure at what point they finally felt his head, but I was relieved!
There was a lady who came in after me, but she was already pushing and they were convinced that she would deliver before me, so all the nurses ran over to her and we were both having to wait on Dr. Sinclair. The really neat thing was that I would have a really bad contraction and then have a period of rest for what seemed like a long time. Aaron said the rest wasn't all that long if any.
Speaking of Aaron, he was amazing!! He knew when to encourage me and when to stay quiet. He was so supportive in everything -- from the birth to family things. He kept telling me how proud he was of me. At one point, I was really embarrassed at how loud I was being during contractions. During my "rest" I actually said, "I think it's time I get myself together." The nurses thought that was funny. I don't know how many times he offered me his hand, but I grabbed the bed rail instead afraid that I might break his hand if I did hold it. I was just so thankful for him!!
Dr. S arrived and delivered the other lady. Then, he came in the room and told me to start pushing when I was ready. I don't think he was quite ready for how fast it all happened!! One push and Jaxon came flying out. Dr. S almost dropped him and things got a little chaotic at that point. He cut the cord and the clamp on my side of the cord came off, which wasn't good. The nurses weren't quite ready or they were shocked or something because everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion. I got the shakes really bad afterwards, which wasn't fun, but, in the end, all is well and Jaxon made his entrance on his own terms!! ;)
Here are his stats:

Jaxon Carter
born at 12:41 am
8 lbs. 5.5 oz
20 1/4" long
14 3/4" head
14 1/2" chest
8 lbs. 5.5 oz
20 1/4" long
14 3/4" head
14 1/2" chest
The nurses were all laughing about how big his head is and how long his toes are. Another great thing about his birth is that we were able to just be the 3 of us for a while before we called anyone or sent out text messages. Aaron's family was in town and I didn't want anyone at the hospital waiting on Jaxon or calling to get the updates while I'm being induced. I cannot even tell you how perfect everything was for what I wanted. I just felt like I was Jaxon's favorite and God's favorite for the way He set everything up.

Last night was a little rough. We were up all night. For some reason, he doesn't seem to enjoy his 100% Egyptian Cotton 800 TC sheets in his bed!! So, we slept in the recliner together for 20 minute intervals last night.
After he was born, he slept for a long time, then they circumcised him that morning, which made him even more sleepy, so he didn't eat much at all for the first day. They told me before I left the hospital that he would probably make up for it and boy, did he!! All he wanted to do last night was eat!! In the hospital, his blood sugar level dropped, so they had to give him formula and they sent some of it home with us, so luckily I had a bottle I was able to give him on occasion to give me a break. Today is much better. I took a nap this morning while Aaron watched him.
Here's another weird detail about his birth. Most of you know I have this weird thing with numbers. I don't like odd numbers, however all of our birthdays are on odd months, odd days, and odd years. Jaxon made it on an odd month, odd day, odd year by 41 minutes!! See, I'm convinced he loves his mom!! ;)
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