Here's the catch up on us:
Payton's out of school. He played baseball for the first time this year and made the all-star team. He really had a great time playing! He has been learning how to mow the yard so he can save up his money to buy baseball/football/basketball jerseys.

Evan is just being Evan -- silly most of the time and loving the rest. He just wants to be big like Payton so bad. He is going to start going to a mommy's day out in September, which he is VERY excited about. He's going on a little vacation with his "girlfriend" on Friday to Dinosaur World in Glen Rose, TX. He is very excited about that!

Jaxon is getting bigger by the day! He is rolling all over the place and has started scooting in the last week or so. If he sees something that he wants, he is pretty quick to get from point A to point B. A month ago, he went to the doctor and he weighed 21 lbs 8 oz. He's a big boy, but I'm sure some of that will come off as he gets more mobile.

Aaron leaves tomorrow for a hiking trip to the Grand Canyon. He is very excited about that! He is going with his dad, his brother, a friend, and a cousin. The boys and I will be holding down the fort while he's gone.
So, that's it from us! Lots going on. . . little time to blog!