In the last week, I've finally been able to put my wedding ring back on. When I was pregnant with Jaxon, my fingers swelled so bad, I couldn't wear it for about the last 4 or 5 months of my pregnancy and I haven't been able to wear it since. Finally this past week, it started to fit.
On Wednesday, I put it on but once we got going with Hallelujah Night, my fingers started swelling and I had to take it off before it got stuck. I had to put it in my pocket until I could put it somewhere "safer". Then, I got so busy that I didn't think about it again. . . until the next day when Aaron asked me where my ring was. I thought I had tried to put it on that morning, but then I realized I hadn't seen it. When I got home from Hallelujah Night, I emptied my pockets, which were full of all kinds of things during Hallelujah Night and it wasn't there.
I can't find it anywhere. My guess is that one of the several times I pulled my keys out of my pockets, my ring fell out. I'm just believing that it will be returned to me.