You might see my back patio. You might see the waterhose or the grill. I see my new scrapbook room. Don't you see it? Instead of those windows, french doors that lead into my new "bonus room" all for me. Walls and a roof that look like they were original to the house. Or maybe instead of the door that leads outside, that door leads to my very own creating space. Zebra painted walls. Hardwood floors. A couch for reading or relaxing. My creative juices flowing. Paper scraps all organized. Embellishments in their place. Of course there's a mess on the table. . that's how you can tell something creative is going on.
So, where am I going with all of this? On Wednesday night, Aaron asked me what I thought about having my own room built where our patio is now. I didn't really get excited about it because I know we don't have the money to do it right now. I've been working on a few projects lately that have taken over the living room. In the last month, I've made 48 wedding shower invitations, 50 recipe cards (covered front and back), and a bouquet of flowers. I think Aaron's tired of seeing my scraps and unfinished projects cluttering up the living room.
Anyway, Aaron had Randy come over on Thursday morning. I was so excited to even think this was a possibility! We were talking about all the different options that I have. Randy kept telling me that this wasn't a big deal. I know he was talking about the construction of it all, but I also took it that it wasn't a big deal for God. I started getting excited. I know that right now we don't have the money to add this room on to our house, but I know who does! My God has enough money to do this just for me. I only need $8,000 to $10,000. That used to be a large amount to me to believe God for, but not anymore! Remember, I'm his favorite! ;)
So, for the last few days when I go outside and stand on this patio I've been thanking God for my new creating space. I've even thought about doing a little scrapbooking/altering items and put the money towards my new space. I'm not sure that would really work, but it's an idea for sure! Now, look back at the picture. Don't you see my new creative space this time?
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