Friday, December 14, 2007

2 Weeks Already

Jaxon had his 2-week check up today. He weighs a whopping 10 lbs. 2 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long!! Dr. S had a good chuckle when he saw 10 pounds already -- that's 2 pounds in 2 weeks!!! Jaxon started crying at one point and Dr. S said, 'Oh, are you hungry? I bet you are all the time!" I told him that yes, he does eat all the time. Dr. S said, "Are you nursing?" I said yes and he said, "I'm sorry."

Everyone wants to know how he's sleeping. . . well, we did good for 2 nights in a row!! Then last night he was up every 2 hours again. I guess that's part of it.

I keep trying to remember to make a slide show to post on here of all the pictures we've taken over the last two weeks (ok, maybe not all of them), but I keep forgetting. . . guess that's what happens when you're brain is low on sleep!! ;)

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