Monday, April 28, 2008

A busy life. . .

Gosh! I've been wanting to make a list of the things I've been working on . . . here it goes!!

Made 60 of these:

Watching this guy get bigger:

Packing Backpacks. . . we're up to 44 kids!!
Yes, I realize that is an old picture.

Loving this guy:

Watching Payton play baseball:

Made 2 of these for a wedding shower:
There are what seemed like a million flowers pinned on this topiary. I loved the final outcome!

This is something really cool about this wedding shower. The bridesmaids all talked about the shower, but not really about details like colors, etc. We all show up with our different parts and everything matched!! I also made her a recipe box that I didn't get a picture of somehow.

I helped fix this cake after it made the ride from Abilene to Dallas and didn't exactly look the same when we got there! Let me tell you, this cake has a story!! It was perfect for the shower, though.
That punch is the BEST punch I've EVER HAD -- EVER!!

Love ya, Niki!!

You too Natalee!!

Jaxon has his first taste of cereal. . . he wasn't impressed. I had to take him to the doctor last week and he weighed 20 lbs. 14 oz. and was 26 inches long.

Hosted a 4th & 5th grade girls Princess Party
Somehow I didn't get pictures with my camera, but I'll have some later thanks to Kelly N.

Hosted a Celebration Sunday LUAU for over 80 kids that was a BLAST!!
Say Hi to Eric!!

The kids loved this!!

Thank you to Trish and JoAnn and Alicia who came in and helped out!! It was a blast, but that was quite a clean up!!

So, I've been one busy girl!! I keep thinking that things will slow down next week, but next week never seems to get here!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our Worship Band

The other day Evan told me that when Payton got home, they were going to play church. I asked him what he was going to do and he said that he was going to play the drums and Payton was going to play the guitar. Then he said, "But I need 2 pianos." So, here's their band.

I definitely think they should make a CD. Don't you?! (wink wink)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Backpacks For Kids -- Day 1

Today was the first day of packing backpacks!! You might not believe this, but we packed 25 backpacks in 20 minutes!! It was very organized and efficient. The kids LOVED it!! They were wanting to pack more!! It was Krissy, Emma, Avery, Blaise, Cherith (and Justus), Evan, Hannah, and me. I'm telling you, once those kids got the hang of it, they knocked those backpacks out!!

I got home from doing those backpacks and got an e-mail that they had 2 more! So, I went back and did 2 more. It didn't take but about 5 minutes. Got home and got another e-mail this afternoon that they are going to have probably 2 more by tomorrow!! Praise God!! I've said this all day, but I'm not excited that there are hungry kids in C-town. I'm excited that we're finding them and we're doing something about it.

Here are a few pictures from today. I have pictures with all the kids in them, but I didn't want to post their pictures on the internet before I had permission.

So, here's one of Evan packing his sack to put inside a backpack.

Here are the backpacks all ready to go. I went to the store this afternoon and bought luggage tags for all of them so we know whose backpack is whose. Those are now on and they are ready to go out tomorrow afternoon!! Please pray over these backpacks!!

Tonight, Evan went with me up to the CCRC to put the luggage tags on the backpacks and add some cereal to them. On the way up there, Evan asked me who the backpacks were for. I told him they were for kids in C who might not have enough food at home for them to eat. In his little voice he said, "Well, that's just silly." I had to agree.

Please pray that we find 4 cases of cereal. I know that sounds so silly, but that's been the only "kink" we've had. We're not sure where they are or what happened, but we need to find them. I'm not worried, but it's just crazy that 4 CASES of cereal can disappear!! But hey. If that's the only kink there is in this whole thing, we're doing really good!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Update on Backpacks

We have a total of 25 kids that we are passing out backpacks to this Friday!! These are kids in the elementary school here in C that are hungry or they have been identified as needing some help with food. I feel like this whole thing has happened so fast, yet so slow!! But, I'm excited that this week we are sending home 25 backpacks!! YAY!!

Some have asked, so I'll post it here. If you wanted to "sponsor a child", it would be $15 a month per child. God is good!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

See This?

What do you see when you see this?

You might see my back patio. You might see the waterhose or the grill. I see my new scrapbook room. Don't you see it? Instead of those windows, french doors that lead into my new "bonus room" all for me. Walls and a roof that look like they were original to the house. Or maybe instead of the door that leads outside, that door leads to my very own creating space. Zebra painted walls. Hardwood floors. A couch for reading or relaxing. My creative juices flowing. Paper scraps all organized. Embellishments in their place. Of course there's a mess on the table. . that's how you can tell something creative is going on.

So, where am I going with all of this? On Wednesday night, Aaron asked me what I thought about having my own room built where our patio is now. I didn't really get excited about it because I know we don't have the money to do it right now. I've been working on a few projects lately that have taken over the living room. In the last month, I've made 48 wedding shower invitations, 50 recipe cards (covered front and back), and a bouquet of flowers. I think Aaron's tired of seeing my scraps and unfinished projects cluttering up the living room.

Anyway, Aaron had Randy come over on Thursday morning. I was so excited to even think this was a possibility! We were talking about all the different options that I have. Randy kept telling me that this wasn't a big deal. I know he was talking about the construction of it all, but I also took it that it wasn't a big deal for God. I started getting excited. I know that right now we don't have the money to add this room on to our house, but I know who does! My God has enough money to do this just for me. I only need $8,000 to $10,000. That used to be a large amount to me to believe God for, but not anymore! Remember, I'm his favorite! ;)

So, for the last few days when I go outside and stand on this patio I've been thanking God for my new creating space. I've even thought about doing a little scrapbooking/altering items and put the money towards my new space. I'm not sure that would really work, but it's an idea for sure! Now, look back at the picture. Don't you see my new creative space this time?