Saturday, September 25, 2010

Update on My Bucket List . . . and another list

So, I didn't accomplish everything on my summer bucket list. I think I got overwhelmed buying school supplies and clothes for what felt like was half of Clyde.

But, now I have another list. The new backpack building. I am in love with the building and it will be amazing -- when it's finished. Sometimes I walk in and see that there isn't much left to do. Then, on days like today when the roof leaks and I have puddles in all 3 rooms, I think the building will never be finished. So, I'm making the list public. If you would like to help, I would gladly let you!

* Paint the exterior
* Paint the front door
* Repair the roof

* Move shelving out
* Paint the floor (or tile the floor)
* Enclose double door
* Install double doors
* Paint trim
* Fix ceiling tiles
* Install curtains
* Switch out A/C
* Assemble furniture
* Install light covers & outlet covers
* Move conference table -- Aaron

* Move shelving out
* Move table
* Tape & mud dressing rooms
* Paint dressing rooms
* Install lighting
* Paint floor
* Install baseboards
* Touch up painting
* Assemble furniture
* Install door to backpack part
* Fix Curtains & hang
* Install mirrors
* Buy & Install 3 curtain rods

* Remove standing water :)
* Move shelving out
* Remove chandelier from ceiling
* Paint floor
* Repair wooden wall
* Paint wooden wall
* Repair back door / order new doors
* Paint poles
* Paint shelving (?) / clean shelving
* Baseboards (?)

* Tape & mud wall
* Baseboards
* Paint walls
* Paint vanity
* Buy & hang new mirror

OK. . . so I'm encouraged again. . . it's not a lot, right?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


WOW! It's been a long time since I've updated this blog! Sorry! Seems like Facebook has taken the place of blogs everywhere. Every once in a while, I really want to write a blog post, though. . . I just seem to get distracted.

We are about to go into August, which means all things school. Payton will be in the 4th grade and Evan in the 1st. Jaxon will still be at home with me. :)

We just got back from vacation in St. Louis. We had a blast! Went to a few Cardinals games, went to the Arch, did all of the touristy things.

Well, again, I'm being distracted by a 2 year old who wants some Cheetos. What he doesn't know is that we're heading to the movies instead. . . I just couldn't stand to know that my last post was from August of last year!