Thursday, May 22, 2008

A budding writer?

Here are a few stories that Payton has written at school over the last week or so. How he spelled, how he worded things:

Once upon a time Joebob, Hairybob, Billybob were kings of fat pigs. And then the big bad wolf tried to blow there houses down while they were rideing their dirt bikes. One day a fat pig came up to Joebob and said how can I die?

He didn't have time to finish. This one came home yesterday:

Lady bugs can fly and they have a hard shell. Lady bugs have black spots. Lady bugs are round. lady bugs taste bad. lady bugs help farmers.

My question is . . . how does he know lady bugs taste bad?!?! And, why did the pig want to die?!?

1 comment:

Jenn C. said...

I just followed some links to your blog and read this. Don't mean to intrude but wanted to say my girls write little stories like that all the time that just seems way too old for their little 7 year old brains. But really...why would the pig want to die? I'm too curious, find out for me, will you? :)