Tuesday, September 16, 2008

God, Our Protector

Yesterday evening, Payton, Evan, & I were doing those little bead things where you can make shapes and then you iron them together. I'm not sure what they're called, but that's not the point.

I had the iron on medium-high heat and we were in the kitchen. When we were finished, I unplugged the iron and we were all talking, not thinking much about the iron. Jaxon went to grab the cord of the iron and Aaron said, "No Jaxon. Don't pull on that." He pulled his hand away, but he turned around to sit down and he sat on the cord. The iron came right down on his head, point first. You know that little point at the end of the iron? Yep. . that thing. Right on his soft spot. Aaron saw it happen, but couldn't grab it fast enough. He scooped Jaxon up and started praying. Jaxon was screaming. I was trying to assess the damage, but I couldn't see any blood or any burn marks. Aaron held Jaxon tight and when he pulled him away to look at him, I was expecting to see a burn or blood or something. There was nothing. He calmed down pretty quickly, too.

It didn't puncture his head. There was a dent there and it was going to bruise, for sure but there wasn't anything else wrong. Aaron called Gary Cheek to see what to do. Jaxon hadn't had a nap that afternoon, so he was already sleepy before the incident and now he was really tired. We wanted to make sure it was ok to let him go to sleep. His eyes were dilating and we could wake him up, so we just let him sleep. When he woke up from his nap, he was the same ol' Jaxon crawling all over the place.

This morning, there is a little scratch kind of thing on his head and it's got a little bump, but nothing else. PRAISE GOD!! And, he wasn't burned ANYWHERE!! I would think that after the point hit his head, it would have fallen and burned him, but it didn't. It did shatter the iron, but that doesn't matter.

1 comment:

Julia Ladewski said...

wow!! so glad he was ok!! i hate scary moments like that... but all you can do is pray!