Monday, January 21, 2008

Update on Us

Things are moving right along here at the Laughlin house. Jaxon is now smiling and it is so cute!! I would post a picture, however I lost my camera. It is so frustrating! I left it at church last week and it's disappeared. It doesn't help that our church meets in a junior high auditorium/gym, and they had 3 basketball games in there this past week. I'm believing that whoever found it is going to be honest. Or that God will provide me with an even better one!!

Anyway, this past week, I am reminded how much the boys are growing up. I'm really cherishing the middle of the night feedings with Jaxon knowing that he may very well be my last baby.

Payton is over half way through his first grade year, which doesn't even seem possible. Evan is 4 and convinced that he is going to go to Pre-K next year. I'm trying desperately to make that happen, but I'm not sure it's going to work out. He is so smart and he wants so much to be learning the things that Payton is learning. The other night Payton was going over his addition/subtraction tables and Evan said, "Mom, tell me what equals 8." I told him 7 + 1 = 8. He went around the rest of the evening saying, "I know what equals 8. 7 + 1 = 8."

Well, time to get dressed for the day! Payton is out of school today for MLK day and we have another little girl over for the day. My plan today is to tape off my bedroom so I can paint sometime this week and maybe get a little scrapbooking done. At least get my pictures uploaded and ordered.

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