Monday, July 30, 2007

July 13th -- Poison Control Center

Everyone should have this phone number on their refrigerator!!

This afternoon, Payton & Evan were supposed to be taking a nap. I was working on my computer when I hear the bathroom water start running and Evan started screaming. I went to the bathroom and he is standing there with a cup in his hand and his hands are shaking. I asked him what happened and he said, "I drank it." I thought he meant the water, but it was on cold, so I was still a little lost as to what happened. I kept asking him what he drank and I got more and more frustrated because he was just crying and screaming saying it was hot.

Finally, Payton came in and told me that a glow stick had broken and it got in Evan's mouth. I asked him where it was and he showed me an 3/4 empty container!! I went nuts!! I mean, whatever is in that thing that makes it glow is now sitting in Evan's stomach and in his mouth!!

I started trying to find a phone book around, but not sure exactly who I was going to call. In my mind, I could see me having to take him to the emergency room. Then, thoughts of how we would pay for it. All the while, Evan's following me around screaming that his mouth is burning.

Finally, I pick up my phone and call Trish, our friend who will soon be a nurse practitioner. My goodness, can I just tell you how thankful I am for her?!?! I was in hysterics and when she answered the phone, I knew all would be ok. I asked her what to do and she asked me if I had any of that stuff that would make him throw up -- I didn't. Then, she said she would call poison control and get back to me -- DUH! Poison control!!

So, I looked it up in my phone book and called. I got a very understanding lady who told me not to worry about it and it wouldn't hurt him. It would burn his mouth and his throat, but to give him a popsicle or some yogurt or something really cold that would make it stop burning.

Just a few nights before, I had bought a HUGE thing of popsicles, so I broke those out and gave him one. Trish called back and the lady she talked to at poison control told her the same thing, so I felt even better. The popsicle did seem to work, although I had the smell of that stuff on my hands for quite a while!!

So, now I've added Poison Control to my list of contacts in my cell phone. Today I am so very thankful for Trish and how she saved my day!! I'm also very thankful that nothing was wrong and Evan will be ok. Thank you, Jesus, for angels that are encamped around my children!!!

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